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FFA Basics

FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.


Click on the links above to learn about the FFA traditions and activities.


FFA members can earn degrees as they progress through the phases of their leadership, academic and career skills development.

Discovery Degree

Given out at the chapter level to middle school students

  1. Be enrolled in agricultural education class for at least a portion of the school year while in grades 7-8.

  2. Have become a dues paying member of the FFA at local, state and national levels.

  3. Participate in at least one local FFA chapter activity outside of scheduled class time.

  4. Have knowledge of agriculturally related career opportunities.  



H-T FFA aims to hold a chapter meeting every other month. Every chapter meeting should be an informative and enjoyable experience. Besides conducting chapter business, good meetings should include entertainment, guest speakers, recreation and refreshments. Variety in programs is essential for maintaining successful meetings.

Official Dress
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